Requirement Engineering

Requirements engineering deals with discovering, eliciting, developing, analyzing, verifying, validating, communicating, documenting and managing requirements. CES requirements engineers are specialists in mediating between the domains of customers, developers or suppliers to establish and maintain the requirements to be met by the system, function, software or hardware of interest.

Your benefits with our Requirement Engineering Service

CES created requirements:
  • are with reference to a defined system, software or hardware
  • enable an agreed understanding between different stakeholders
  • have been validated against real-world needs
  • are able to be implemented
  • provide a reference for verifying designs and solutions
  • based on state-of-the-art automotive know-how

Requirements Engineering

TopicContentExamples of use
Requirement Engineering Planning
  • Item, stakeholder and environment definition
  • Communication alignment
  • Requirements engineering strategy
  • Requirement engineering recourses and responsibilities
  • Requirement engineering time schedule
  • Planning and definition of operational concept and stakeholder requirements (features) for a development of a new European sports car
  • Stakeholder Requirements Engineering
  • Definition of stakeholder needs via use cases with scenarios and constraints (operational concept)
  • Transformation of stakeholder needs into stakeholder requirements
  • Analysis of stakeholder requirements with validation criteria
  • Manage stakeholder needs and requirements definition
  • System Requirements Engineering
  • Transformation of stakeholder requirements into system requirements (function, characteristics. interfaces, performance…)
  • Define system requirements to successive levels (top-down / bottom up)
  • Analysis of system requirements with verification criteria
  • Manage system requirements
  • Mapping and evaluation of OEM requirements to existing Continental component requirements
  • Direct Contact

    Henning Schweder
    Tel: +49 69 678 696  407

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